Name: Ms. Kithcart
Title: Math Teacher
Favorite Book/s and Author/s: Maya Angelou, Gwendolyn Brooks, Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker
Favorite Place to Vacation: The Caribbean Islands
Hobbies: Reading, Softball, Poetry, Music and Writing
Favorite Food to Eat: Pizza and Soul Food
What is your teaching philosophy? As we enter the world of teaching we are faced with many challenges. The most important is educating our children well and helping them achieve their highest potential. To make this possible, we must equip our schools with high-quality direct and indirect services. We must provide leadership, in partnership with school districts, families, and other state organizations to achieve the mission.
Schools must prepare students for the many challenges they will face throughout their lives, ensuring that they gain perspective and become critical thinkers well equipped to make informed decisions and value judgments.
What are some motivating words you can share with young people? Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by what you bring to life. Find a purpose in life so big that it will challenge every capacity to be at your best.
Share something about yourself? I’m a very positive person. To become a positive person I must do the things that positive people do. I have to do it because I can feel it. When I act as if I’m a positive person, It’s not long before I become one. Practice doesn’t make perfect, but it does make me more positive. I will practice being positive each day of my life. It’s not enough to eliminate the negative. Fill your mind with positive thoughts.
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